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Decades ago, I taught at a community college. The bunch
of us treated our shared office as if it were the neighborhood bar. We'd hang
out for hours. That beat going home to our cheap apartments or our parents'
basements and watching TV, which was all we could afford on the pittance
adjunct professors are paid. James was a jazz musician. Mo's nose was always to
the grindstone. Patrick was enthralling. I wish I had had a video camera
recording our every conversation. His words glittered.
Melvyn was only a teenager. He was a new kind of person –
a computer nerd – on the cusp of a revolution that would enrich many. Education
was just beginning heavy reliance on computers. We profs were luddites. We
would fumble with the computers – accidentally unplug them with our feet – and
squeal that this was a sign of the end times. Young Melvyn to the rescue. Melvyn
had a bouncy step, a perpetual smile, and a know-it-all air: that combination of
goofy youthfulness and superior impatience exhibited by a hundred other
computer geeks on a hundred other campuses. Melvyn's hours seemed to be pre-dawn
through midnight. Young Melvyn was the computer demigod.
Now, decades later, James is near retirement as the
president of a better community college. Mo is still plugging away, at a
higher-paying university. Patrick, brilliant Patrick, never landed the tenure-track,
Ivy League position that could match his outsize intellect. He drank. He was
homeless. He died.
The last anyone had heard of Melvyn, he was in jail. He
had been stealing computers. Melvyn was the one member of our group who was
born at the right place and the right time to parlay his freakish natural gifts
into the best-paying job and the cushiest future. He destroyed all that with
stupid, unprofitable, recklessness.
Melvyn was black. The scuttlebutt was that Melvyn had felt
uncomfortable being the computer demigod of an academic setting, accepted by
whites. Stealing computers restored his sense that he was authentic. He was in solid
with his homies. He was sticking it to the man. The man who liked, trusted, and
relied on him.
James is just as black as Melvyn. Mo is an immigrant with
the kind of facial hair seen on many an FBI wanted poster, a foreign accent and
a name that sets off alarms – Mohammed. James and Mo were able to build
comfortable lives in America. Melvyn could not. But then neither could Patrick,
a tall, handsome, heterosexual, Irish-American.
I've been thinking a lot about American tragedies and American
Dreams in the wake of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury verdicts. I've
also been thinking about my current young students' futures.
I walk to work though Paterson, NJ, a post-industrial,
high-crime, majority-minority city. My commute helped change me from someone
who once voted communist to someone who now shocks herself every time she pulls
the lever for a Republican.
As I walk, I pass healthy African American men in the
prime of life who spend their days smoking joints and gossiping on streets
littered with trash that no one but the rain ever removes. The day of the Trayvon
Martin verdict, I was stopped by police cars, flashing lights, and yellow tape.
I actually hoped for civil unrest. Something to show that Paterson still had a
pulse. In fact one of Paterson's former silk mills, a three-story brick
structure, had completely collapsed. The bricks that sprawled chaotically, good
only for blocking traffic, once surrounded industry founded by Alexander
Hamilton and workers that gave Paterson an international reputation as
"Silk City."
There are facts, and there are stories. Impersonal forces
like gravity, chemical bonds and time create facts. Humans create stories. Facts
are objective. Stories are subjective.
It is a fact that police kill a disproportionate number
of black males. What is the story one builds around those facts? For me, the
pressing question is: what story is most likely to condemn my students to jail
terms alternating with de facto incarceration on garbage-strewn street corners?
What story will empower my students to become like James, an African American
college president?
Here's the story Della Kurzer-Zlotnick is telling. In
December, 2014, Kurzer-Zlotnick, an Oberlin student, posted a letter to her professor
on her Facebook page. In her letter, Kurzer-Zlotnick asked that her final
examination in statistics be delayed.
"Students of color, particularly Black students,
have suffered significant trauma," she wrote, "due to the Grand Jury
decisions" and thus they "are not at all in a place to take their
final exams right now." "Black students" are "struggling
and feel traumatized because of the recent and day-to-day acts of racism in
this country. Black students and other students of color have to focus on their
survival." Kurzer-Zlotnick herself identifies as "a white,
middle-class person" who has "to [sic] privilege of being able to
step away from these events and put enough energy into schoolwork and finals to
assure that I will pass my classes." But, she says, "Just because the
murders of Eric Garner and Michael Brown do not seem to threaten the survival
or safety of white people does not mean that they are not severely affecting
students on our campus." Those students, she reports, "are tired,
they are hurting beyond belief."
Kurzer-Zlotnick describes herself thus, "I'm 18. My
biggest passion is social justice and community organizing…At my synagogue,
Shir Tikvah. I had the social action position when I was 15, and I didn't
really know what that meant – I just knew I cared about social change and
According to Forbes, the total annual cost for a student
to attend Oberlin is $62,000. Five percent of Oberlin's student body is black. Thirteen
percent of the overall American population is black.
Is Kurzer-Zlotnick's letter telling a true story? Are
African Americans so burdened by murderous police that they can't function, and
do they need rich, white liberals, who publicly admit to their own
cluelessness, and who live in white enclaves, to make excuses for them and to
lower standards for them? And is this the route to a better tomorrow for all?
Here are some more facts, and a different story told by a
different teller. One of my students, Terry, is an African American. Terry had
a difficult semester, too. Terry was traumatized by life events too personal
and too crushing to recount here, but please imagine the worst. Terry never
asked for special treatment; in fact Terry never initiated disclosure. I
noticed that Terry was depressed and I asked why. Terry never missed a class. Terry
produced work so far superior to that of others that I asked to display it as
an exemplary model.
And here is yet another story. After the Michael Brown
and Eric Garner grand jury verdicts were announced, a concerned friend emailed
me. "Be careful," he warned. "They are predicting black rage."
In the days subsequent to the Brown and Garner verdicts,
my black neighbors are saying to me what they usually say. "Good morning …
nice weather … my kid is giving me a hard time … my dog wants to go for a
walk." Al Sharpton called for protests in Paterson. I saw no protests in
Other news is claiming our attention in Paterson in
December, 2014. There are, of course, the usual drive-by shootings, heroin
busts, and deadly fires. But lately we've learned that in the entire city, only
nineteen students scored high enough on the SAT to be deemed "college
ready." This while sixty-six employees in Paterson schools earn at least
$125,000 annually. Paterson teacher Lee McNutly went public to allege that his
school was nothing but a chaotic "indoor street corner" where
teachers were coerced into falsifying records in order to ensure six-figure
bonuses to administrators. Paterson school #20 displayed a large sign for a
week that contained multiple misspellings, in spite of parental complaints. All
these local stories demanded more attention than alleged "black rage"
over the Garner verdict.
And yet Jesse Jackson insists that it is inevitable that
black people "explode" in riots. In late November, 2014, after riots
in Ferguson, Missouri, CNN's Don Lemon interviewed Jesse Jackson. Lemon, who is
black, said that "Lawlessness and violence should not have happened and
there should be no excuses made for it." "If people need jobs,"
Lemon asked, "why would you burn down a store where you could possibly get
work? What does one have to do with the other? What does lawlessness have to do
with lack of jobs?"
Jackson responded. "There is a body of people who
after a long train of abuses simply explode…Pain can lead to irrational
conclusions. To be locked out of police departments, fire departments,
contracts and schools. Those factors matter."
Here's another story. A youtube poster calling herself
Honestly Speaking posted a video entitled "The Mike Brown Fiasco" on
December 2, 2014. Two weeks later, it had over a million views and seven
thousand up votes. Honestly Speaking looks into the camera and shouts. She
shouts that Mike Brown was a "disrespectful" thief,
"asshole" and someone who "don't contribute nothing to
society" "who started the trail that lead him to his death. Just
because he is black does not change the fact that he committed a crime." She
denounces protests as "bleeding heart bullshit." Honestly Speaking is
a black woman.
I am a former leftist and I know how facts are spun. "Truth
is that which serves the party." Ideologues will insist that black people
like James, who became a community college president, are statistical
anomalies, that black people like Don Lemon who push back against Jesse Jackson
are sellouts or self-hating blacks, "house niggers" or Uncle Toms. Ideologues
will insist that my black neighbors who did not riot after the Eric Garner
verdict suffer from "false consciousness." Ideologues will insist
that African American students like Terry who do well within existing
institutions are pawns whom The Man allows to succeed at the expense of their
oppressed brethren – it's all a conspiracy. In this spinning of Terry's story,
Terry's success only delays the inevitable and necessary revolution. Ideologues
reserve their most toxic vitriol for outspoken and admired black women like youtube
poster Honestly Speaking. She's already responded in a youtube video to being
called a "race traitor."
The left claims women and minorities. When women and
minorities resist the left's lure, we receive the harshest punishment. Witness
what the left does to Sarah Palin, Deneen Borelli, or even Juan Williams.
Here are some facts. My coworkers describe hiring
committees that decide that only African American candidates will be considered,
even though that policy is not stated in the job description. Whites will
apply, but will not be considered. My students and coworkers, who often are
members of minority groups themselves, gossip angrily of others, including
family members, who slack or claim preferential treatment because of their skin
color. Maureen describes to me her volunteer work as a mentor for African
American interns at a Fortune Five Hundred company. It maddens her that these
interns need to be trained in basics like arriving on time, dress and
comportment. I see monies, positions, programs, scholarships, that have been
designated for African Americans, go begging, because they lack appropriate
applicants. I see extended hands that reach out to emptiness. I see highways to
success with no traffic on them. I see, in short, many Melvyns.
The past is prelude. We've seen these riots before. Jesse
Jackson excuses them; implies that they are the way that African Americans can
get jobs they would not otherwise get. Is that true?
The National Bureau of Economic Research is the largest
economics research association in the United States. It is notable for the
number of its research associates who are also winners of the Nobel Prize in
Economics. The NBER published two papers in 2004, "The Economic Aftermath
of the 1960s Riots: Evidence from Property Values" and "The Labor
Market Effects of the 1960s Riots." These papers indicate that the race
riots of the 1960s "had economically significant negative effects on
blacks' income and employment." It's not just that cities affected by
riots, like Newark, became dysfunctional and welfare-dependent ghost towns in
the immediate aftermath of rioting. These riots had longer term, insidious, and
all but invisible impact. Before the riots, the difference between what white
workers earned and what black workers earned was becoming smaller. Black workers
began to earn more. The narrowing of the gap between black workers' wages and
white workers' wages accelerated during the 1940s – before the Civil Rights Movement. The riots reversed this trend. Researchers
concluded that the black workers who suffered the greatest economic blows in
the 1970s and beyond lived in cities where rioting was most severe. Riots were
also found to depress the value of black-owned property. Rioting hurt black
income and black assets.
Yes, white supremacy still exists. That's a fact. What do
we do with that fact? What story do we tell? What story will help my students
and my city?
There are lots of statistics that could be used in any
number of ways. It is a fact that if a woman was overweight in high school, she
is statistically likely to earn less than her slender peers for her entire
working life, even if she loses weight. It is a fact – one that many leftists
would like to bury – that children who grow up in the same home with their
biological mother and biological father do better on a slew of life measures,
from incarceration rates to lifetime earnings. It is a fact that poor, white
Christians are significantly underrepresented on the campuses of elite
universities among both students and faculty. It is a fact that recent immigrants
from Africa, who are themselves mostly black, are a "model minority"
with above-average incomes and education.
What do we do with these statistics? How do we cherry
pick among them to weave a story that justifies a riot or encourages a young
person to plug away at a secure but unglamorous job?
Jesse Jackson insists that suffering people must explode.
But not all suffering people do explode, and not all those who explode are
suffering. Terry suffered and did not explode – Terry excelled. Della Kurzer-Zlotnick
acknowledges that she is a rich white girl, and yet she is exploding – and
urging others to join her.
I would like to assign reading to these activists,
specifically Shelby Steele's book "White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites
Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era."
Shelby Steele is a black man born in 1946; he knew, and
suffered under, Jim Crow. In spite of this, he accomplished much. He lived to
see his former white, liberal allies insist that he owed them his
"gratitude" because their bleeding hearts, not his hard work, were
responsible for his success. In response to their condescension, he says, he
felt a murderous rage even more intense than that he had felt under Jim Crow. Steele
says that the bleeding heart narrative erased his achievements.
African Americans confronted the Ku Klux Klan. They
risked Freedom Rides that ended in beatings and arson. They remained calm as
lunch counter patrons poured sugar over their heads. But somehow these same
black people are so delicate they need a confused 18-year-old girl to protect
them from final examinations in statistics. Kurzer-Zlotnick's enthusiasm for
"social justice" must erase the considerable accomplishment of
African American students like Terry, who soldier on in spite of personal
hardship, and earn A grades. High achieving blacks become some kind of race
traitors or freaks, anomalies who can't be acknowledged because their existence
threatens the story Kurzer-Zlotnick is telling about white liberal guilt and
noblesse oblige.
The harm white liberals do is not limited to their need
to erase African American achievement. Kurzer-Zlotnick is a powerful audience. The
performance she applauds is explosive black rage. She would probably applaud
Melvyn's fencing stolen computers.
In 2006, in the New
York Times, Harvard scholar Orlando Patterson, a Jamaican-born black man,
wrote that one explanation for young black men's criminal behavior was the
applause antisocial behavior earned black men from white youths. Young black
men have the highest self-esteem of all ethnic groups, he says, and that
self-esteem is not lowered by what many would assess as failure, for example
out-of-wedlock births and poor grades. Not only young whites applaud
criminality among black men. Corporate America does so, as well, making
millions from hip-hop and ghetto fashions. Young whites, Patterson says, know
when to turn off rage chic. The young black males who have been duped into
providing this performance may not know when it is time to leave the stage. The
whites move on. The blacks are trapped.
I would like to invite Della Kurzer-Zlotnick to walk to
work with me through Paterson. I would like her to step over broken glass and
past shuttered factories. I would like her, simply, to listen to conversations
on buses. My neighbors want their kids to do well, and are proud of them when
they do. They work difficult jobs; I see them in nurse's aide and McDonald's
uniforms, day after day, year after year. Injustices of many kinds are a given;
that's a fact. The key is what story one tells about injustice. It might be
exciting for an 18-year-old girl to urge protest on one day when she feels
worked up. I would like to invite Kurzer-Zlotnick and others to live in cities
like Paterson after the protest is over, to see which approach has long-term,
beneficial effects.
Danusha Goska is the author of Save
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I generally don't comment on this issue, as a white middle age white male of privileged, what could I know? Plus, if I say a word I'm a bigot or a racist, which I was recently called.
ReplyDeleteI honestly just don't want the hassles from the keyboard warriors that seem to be more prevalent everyday.
But I applaud your words. It is a balanced perspective based on the reality you live, not some type of false morality that is perpetrated by the popular media and a little 18 year old girl who's interest in social issues makes her look down on the black community as near helpless. Is she the new messiah of the black man?
Della Kurzer-Zlotnick's life is an embarrassment of riches,. I can justifiable assume that she had never involuntarily gone hungry, went on plenty of vacations and had a pretty stable home life. Ms. Kurzer-Zlotnick knows nothing of the black community, she is only a voyeur into their world. The back community needs more solution, not excuses from a well meaning, egotistical little white girl who has yet to fully live.
Scott thank you for commenting.
DeleteFirst let me say congratulations on a great article D. and so happy that another venue recognized your talent. I hope people are forwarding the link.
ReplyDeleteI mourn for Paterson and all the other Patersons that have been forged since I grew up there. We went from being poor, with the idea that education and hard work would lead us to a better life. When they came to America, my Father said "Now we're Americans, we do things the American way." It always stuck with me. America not just as a place on the map but a state of mind.
Now it seems all of life's burdens are some one else's fault. Your next paycheck is only as far as the next guys pocket. No fuss, no muss. No hope, no future.
My Paterson created the Holland submarine, the Colt rifle, Silk CIty wasn't a slogan - I could hear it churning during the day, authors, ideas, movers and shakers....and if we failed it was our fault. If I ever lipped off to a cop - let alone physically assaulted one - the best thing that could happen to me would be to have the cop shoot me! My dad would have done worse to me....
Outside of Ferguson yesterday a 18 got killed by a cop - shot at the cop. The residents are rioting. Lose-Lose-Lose. For the cops, for the people, for the nation. And the rhetoric will continue unless more people write and speak up like you did in your article.
Otto this is a beautiful comment and I am very grateful for it. I wish I could make people read it. Thank you.
DeleteMiss Goska,
ReplyDeleteThis was a wonderfully written article and I wish I had read it on American Thinker blog,( not that I don't enjoy reading your blog!) because I believe that you have a very unique perspective on a lot of the issues that are facing us today. The more exposure your writing gets the more people both right and left may pause and think alittle deeper about what they believe and why they believe it.
Eileen, Thank you so very much.